Halleck Indoor Plants Course UCLA Extension

COURSE: Indoor Plants: Care and Maintenance Course, UCLA Extension

BIOLGY X 465.33 - Indoor Plants: Care and Maintenance

Next Offering Winter 2025


Yearning to deepen your knowledge of indoor plants and indoor growing? Join my INDOOR PLANTS: CARE AND MAINTENANCE online course through UCLA My course is asynchronous, online, 11-weeks, and I hold weekly Zoom office hours at different times so we can have open Q&A, make sure you understand the material, and grow our plant friend community. I engage regularly throughout the course on our weekly discussion boards and individually with students. T

An introduction to the fundamentals of growing plants indoors. Learn how to identify your unique indoor environment, how to choose appropriate and healthy plants, and how to create a maintenance schedule for plant success! This course is an elective in the HORTICULTURE CERTIFICATE program, if you’re interested in professional development and advancement...

“Thank you Leslie for a great class! I loved learning about all the plants on the master list - I like being able to identify plants in the world and learning their particularities. I also thought the class was set up well for the wide range of interest/education levels, and that was very appreciated. Really, I'm just very excited to go out and put some of my new knowledge to good use.”

What you can learn.

  • How to successfully grow plants indoors (while we focus mostly on houseplants, ALL concepts and techniques also apply to growing any type of edibles indoors as well).
  • Recognize your personal indoor environments and learn to choose appropriate plants for that environment
  • Explore the specific environmental requirements of over 50 indoor plants
  • Discuss watering, pruning, fertilizing, and lighting methods
  • Identify common plant diseases and pests in the indoor environment
  • Identify and name over 50 different plants suitable for indoors

About this course:

Plants add color, texture, and warmth to indoor spaces. They improve air quality and add a natural and living element to a room’s design. Whether you are looking to expand your indoor plant collection, just getting started with your first plant, or looking for answers to your many plant problems, this course focuses on the fundamental aspects of growing plants indoors. Instruction includes properly identifying fifty plants that do well in an indoor environment and their specific cultural requirements. The course of study also covers understanding indoor environments, which is fundamental when choosing plants that will have the most success. This course covers common indoor plant pests, diseases, watering techniques, understanding humidity, artificial and natural lighting*, temperature, etc.

*I go in-depth into grow lighting and light science for plants in this course, including how to measure meaningful PAR for all your growing needs.

Offered Winter 2025

  • 11 WEEKS
  • Online, Asynchronous
  • Weekly optional online Zoom Office hours with me!


“I have to tell you that your course is one of the best things that happened to me in 2024.! 🥰 I loved every moment! I am really looking forward to your business courses!”

“I really enjoyed this class because of the wealth of information you made available, Leslie. Thank you again for sharing your expertise. I hope am able to attend one of your future classes!”


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