COURSE: Botany for Gardeners Course, UCLA Extension

BIOLGY X 496.2 Botany for Gardeners Course

Next Offering Spring 2025


If wish you knew more about plants and are ready to deepen your knowledge, come join me through UCLA Extension for my Botany for Gardeners course. 11-weeks, online. You can work through content on your own time but have my personal live guidance throughout the course. The course is open enrollment, and is perfect for hobbyists and pros alike, no matter where you live. This course is also a requirement for the Horticulture Certificate program, for those seeking to advance their green industry professional goals.

“I just wanted to say how much I appreciated this class. You went so in depth and gave me such a profound new appreciation for the field of botany. I hope that I can attend more of your classes / lectures in the future and wish you the best of luck on all your future work! We were blessed to have you teach us!!”

What you can learn.

  • Explain relationships among different modes of plant reproduction and genetic inheritance
  • Establish literacy in botanical nomenclature and terminology
  • Recognize plant adaptations and connect them to the environment
  • Develop foundational familiarity with plant diversity

About this course:

This course provides a general introduction to the study of plant structures and functions, emphasizing these aspects as they relate to the natural survival and cultivation of plants. Topics include types and functions of leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits; plant-water relations; basic genetics; ecological tolerances; and an introduction to plant names and groupings. Many of the topics include ample hands-on experience with plants.


“This class provided such a wealth of information and has laid a very robust foundation for my own learning in the field of horticulture / botany moving forward”

“This is my third class in the Horticulture Certificate program and probably my favorite so far. I'm impressed by the amount of material, concepts, and research we've delved into over the quarter.”

“I was completely new to botany at the start of this class, so pretty much all of the information covered in this class was new to me. I am so glad to have learned more about the cellular composition of plants, and the physical processes which support them and keep them alive. As a houseplant and container garden enthusiast, it was great to learn more about the factors that impact these plants in particular, especially light requirements and the plants response to lack of light + overwatering. It was also really great to have interaction with classmates through the site project.”

“Being that this was my first class in the Horticulture Certification Program and my first time in school in a very looong time I was a bit anxious, but the class was so enjoyable. The lectures were engaging and easy to understand thanks to Leslie’s knowledge and warmth. It’s given me a good foundation and sense of confidence to bring to my next classes.”


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