Botany & Betterment in the Amazon, Brazil Trip 2025

Travel with me to the Amazonian Rainforest in Brazil: AUGUST 14th-22nd, 2025

Come cruise with me and Marcia on her family riverboat! Over the last twenty years Marcia's uncle, Captain & Biologist Gilberto Castro, has created an amazing experience especially designed for seeing nature. You'll enjoy air-conditioned rooms with en suite bathrooms, wonderful meals, easy daily botanizing hikes, swimming, and other optional activities, along with plenty of peace and quiet

We'll also take special motorized canoe trips through the forest within arm's reach of many amazing plant species and orchids off the beaten path.

Wonderful opportunity for artists and photographers. No transferring to new hotels or traveling by bus. Just relaxed cruising down the Rio Negro and daily exploration, along with botanizing, art, and personal wellness activities guided by Marcia & Leslie, plus 1-on-1 time. Get your cameras, plant ID keys, and sketch books ready. AND get ready to relax and make new plant and travel friends in real life!

CONTACT US HERE for information and booking.

$3,950 plus airfaire and taxes

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